Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hay for the Horses

The poem, Hay for the Horses written by Gary Snyder is about the farm life and how life does not turn out how we wish it would. I usually hear my pops(father) complain about his job. He is a construction worker that has been hit hard by bad luck in his field. He explains about his time going to college and how he could've been a lawyer. Never did he think he'd be a construction worker, rigging, cutting, or pointing on buildings so high up that you become skeptical of how much safety a harness can provide. Getting back to Hay for the Horses, there is a sense of hard work and vigor. In the end of the poem, the main character states he is 68 years old and he never thought he'd remain doing the work he has been doing for 51 years. I read to see if I could find how the main character felt about doing the work for so long. I don't think their is a specific way that is made clear in the poem. Neither good or bad. The main character neither hates it or loves it. The work just is.